Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Post #8 cont.

The Chipper Series and EDM 310 For Dummies

Both videos are really showing you how to get through EDM310 and useing good time management techniques . My idea of creating a video would just to make a short video on all the tools and equipment we use in our class for future students to look at for advice.

Critiques of Smartboards

After reading the two articles I definitely can agree with some points of their arguments. I really liked the quote by Sylvia Martinez “You can’t buy change. In both of there articles they both said the Smartboard keeps the kids interested during class. That right there is enough to make me want to use a Smartboard because I would much rather have kids a little interested in my class than a sleep in the back of the classroom. Here is a blog that explains the other side of these articles arguments

Blog Post #9

I really enjoyed Mr.McClung's post because it was very informing. He hit all the main points that teacher today should be aware of. Besides all the certifications that teachers have today I think that they should at least take a class that informs them about the things in Mr.McClungs Post. Because beside teaching content these are the things what really separate the good teachers from the alright teachers.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Project #10 - MY PLN

Halfway into the semester and my PLN is turning out to be better than I thought. PLN is new to me so it is taken a minute for me catch on to it. But I know by the end of the semester it should be pretty good. One part of my PLN that I think works to my advantage is my blogs. I have been almost up to date on every blog assignment so it should be pretty good in the end.

Blog Post #8

1.The video on how we dream was interesting and brought up some really good points. His main focus was how we as a Nation did not just read book or write like they did 60 years ago. He touched on how everything has went electronically. I have noticed that too. For example my friend who is currently in law school recently bought all E books. It shocked me when he told me but I know we are in present times.
My overall feeling about Miller's video is kind of nuetral. I know E books, word processors, and video lectures are the wave of the future but it will be hard for those to bet a real book, pen and paper, and good one on one lecture. I know those are all ancient and barbaric things but they work and that is how I personally learn.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The networked student is a new idea and term for me. I always kind of felt I used every resource I could but I guess I was not using enough to be considered a networked student. Once again I am not sure I i totally agree with this. I feel a teacher should have a hand in every part of their students development. I do not agree with the hands off approach. I know personally some the best teacher I have ever had in both college and high school were hands on teacher and were their for me whenever I need them.

Relying on interacting through a web cam will cause students to not interact ONE ON ONE. When that happens you lose out on your communication and interacting skills. People skills have recently fell to the waist side in the past few years and I think it is just said.


PLN and PLE are both term that i never heard before. You must have a PLE to have a PLN. The PLN is a the group of people you use in your PLE. PLN really goes with Networked Student. Through my research and discoveries an PLE is just being organized and using more technology than they did in the past. So looking at it from the big picture PLN and PLE both go bother and are the wave of the future.


I do indeed think machine is changing us, but we should be changing too. If we are not evolving we will basically get passed up and left behind. If machines are changing then we should be changing right along with them.

C4K Summary

C4K assignment 1 and 2 where very interesting to me. I really didn't know how to feel about a elementary school student haveing a blog, But it was kinda interesting to see how she responded to my post.

In assignment 2 I was assigned to the same student. In her second blog he kept repeating how important respect was to her and how she believed in it. Respect is a pet peeve of mine too so we saw eye to eye on that as well.