Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog Post #8

1.The video on how we dream was interesting and brought up some really good points. His main focus was how we as a Nation did not just read book or write like they did 60 years ago. He touched on how everything has went electronically. I have noticed that too. For example my friend who is currently in law school recently bought all E books. It shocked me when he told me but I know we are in present times.
My overall feeling about Miller's video is kind of nuetral. I know E books, word processors, and video lectures are the wave of the future but it will be hard for those to bet a real book, pen and paper, and good one on one lecture. I know those are all ancient and barbaric things but they work and that is how I personally learn.


  1. Hi Logan,
    I completely agree with you that times are changing and as a whole we are turning to more technological ways of learning, thinking, and doing things. While other ways of learning should not be eliminated, I think it is important to consider what innovative ways of learning that technology brings. Technology is almost the core of our social and business worlds, it's even how we relax in most cases, so to incorporate it to it's fullest potential into our education is the best thing to do.
    You are right in the post, "This is How we dream, Richard E. Miller" made many great points. Because of many new inventions so many more things are possible!
    Nice work!

  2. Proofread your post. Lot's of errors. Where are the other parts of this assignment?
